In Rain

We arrived in Rain (pronounced Rhine) two days ago. Yesterday, we visited the Neuschwanstein castle. As well as the neighboring, Hohenschwangau castle. It was fun, if you don’t count the rain. Also, the castle was covered in scaffolding because they were repainting it, which no one cares about. But on the inside it was amazing. It made me hate that king because while his subjects were living in poverty, he built 3 or 4 castles. The tour guide said he built so much because his political power was being taken away. The whole experience was good but the scaffolding ruined it.




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Week 1

This first week has been pretty good. We stayed with my dads friend, John, for the first couple of days and then for the last two we stayed at a hotel in Bottingen, a small town about twenty minutes outside of Freiburg, which is a sister city of Madison. We walked around Freiburg for those days and it was fun. This morning we left there and drove to Heidelberg where we saw a very uninteresting castle. Now, we are eating lunch at a small restaurant in town.

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Stupid Airplanes

I officially hate airplanes. They’re cramped, they have bad food  and they make me sick. Goodnight.

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First Day of Travel

So I’m sitting here on a bus to Chicago writing this because I have nothing better to do here. We still have about and hour and a half to go until we reach O’Hare. I can’t control my excitement.

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The Day Before we Leave

This whole day has been packed with packing and the last minute preparations for our up coming trip to Germany, and we’re all ready for tomorrow. We have to be at the bus station by 11:30 am, because thats when we leave for Chicago. Our neighbor has kindly agreed to drive us to the station because we do not want to pay three weeks worth of parking downtown. Once we get there we take a 3 hour bus ride to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. From Chicago we go to Brussels, Belgium, and after Brussels we go to Frankfurt, Germany, where our friends will be waiting to pick us up.

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