In Rain

We arrived in Rain (pronounced Rhine) two days ago. Yesterday, we visited the Neuschwanstein castle. As well as the neighboring, Hohenschwangau castle. It was fun, if you don’t count the rain. Also, the castle was covered in scaffolding because they were repainting it, which no one cares about. But on the inside it was amazing. It made me hate that king because while his subjects were living in poverty, he built 3 or 4 castles. The tour guide said he built so much because his political power was being taken away. The whole experience was good but the scaffolding ruined it.




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One thought on “In Rain

  1. Angie Mullen

    Hi Charlie.

    You had me confused for a moment when I opened your blog. The camel and pyramids at the top had me checking my geography memory!

    Sorry to hear the scaffolding was impeding your castle view. Are those pics castles you’ve been to? Any stories of them being haunted?

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